Yes, you should read the ebooks, work through the courses and acquire the tools that will help you achieve your goals. A good education is vital.
But beyond that it is crucial that you get connected with the right people who will ultimately have a major impact on your success!
And that happens when you step out of your comfort zone and attend a live event!
I'm going to say it one more time for emphasis... stay with me, please.
If you want to to EXPLODE your business in 2008, you MUST attend a live event!
I don't know how many different ways there are to say this.
If you are one of those who continues running into a wall and wondering why you aren't getting anywhere, it's time for the excuses to end.
On February 8-10, I invite you to join me in Orlando, Florida for one of the world's greatest 3-day opportunities for success...
JV Alert Live!
I have been asked to speak at over a dozen conferences the last few months.
I have turned ALL of them down... except for JV Alert Live in Orlando.
--Joel Comm
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