Hi, I’m Pam Hoffman and I List every LIVE! Internet Marketing Seminar in the world on my blog:
Internet Marketing Seminar List by Pam Hoffman
For the next 30 days, if available, you can advertise your event on my blog starting at $7.77 (USD).
IMSLS [Internet Marketing Seminar Listing Service] has been in operation since April 23, 2007.
Since then, I’ve tracked down hundreds of LIVE! Events just like yours and posted them on my blog. I usually ‘list’ an event two to three weeks before the event starts.
Imagine, having YOUR ad on a site, for a month or more, which attracts that kind of visitor.
Google PR: 3
Alexa ranking: 194,342
1,720 total in the last 30 days (checked 4/25/08)
1,406 unique visitors in the last 30 days (checked 4/25/08)
I’m continually driving traffic to this site and I’ve seen a massive upswing lately. It’s been mentioned on Ross Goldberg’s most recent calls and I’m getting on calls like his to improve my skill set as finely as possible.
Take a look at the site: http://seminarlist.blogspot.com
Let’s see what we can do to help spread the word about YOUR event.
Please use any of the options below:
Pam Hoffman
30251 Golden Lantern, Ste. E106
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
949-218-4849 [voice]
pamhoffman at cox dot net
If you are interested in advertising, several spots are now available for the next 30 days starting at $7.77(USD)
Please put BLOG AD in your email subject line for promptest service.
Thank you,
Pam Hoffman
Ever wonder why you didn't hear about an event until too late? We gather all the info for you so you don't miss out.
Watch for over 100 LIVE! Internet Marketing Seminars in 2009. Visit Daily for a new Seminar on the horizon with Interviews, Quotes and Other Things Thrown In for Spice! Come On Down...
Thursday, January 1, 1970
Are You Ready to Advertise on The World’s Only Internet Marketing Seminar Listing Service Blog?
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
4:00 AM