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Sunday, January 6, 2008

2 Day Wealth Blitz

(January 18-19 in San Jose, CA) Loral introduces you to her entire Millionaire EXPERT team for 2 action oriented days.

*You will build your very OWN customized WEALTH PLAN with Loral and her team.
*Discover how to financially organize and strategize yourself towards millionaire status.
*Meet your new millionaire team of experts to develop wealth building strategies.
*How to supercharge your IRA TAX FREE… and invest IRA dollars to grow rich.
*How to protect, structure and maximize your money with cutting edge entity training.
*How to make the IRS work for you… and keep more money in your pocket using the tax code.
*How to save thousands of dollars in taxes by learning the tax code and filings legally.
*How to protect your family, wealth and legacy with wills and trust.
*Discover the best kept strategies for DIRECT INVESTING and the millionaire investment FORMULA.
*Meet Loral's expert team in small groups for intimate attention.

If you register today, it comes with a bunch of bonuses at no extra charge!

I have to warn you, this one time offer end January 7th, 2008 in order to receive $5,485 worth of wealth building tools and online seminars with myself and my wealth building team.

2 Day Wealth Blitz
January 18-19, 2008
San Jose, CA

Hosted by Loral Langemeier, author of the famous 'Millionaire Maker' Book Series.

If You Go, Let Me Know!

Pam Hoffman



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