"Internet Success System: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Apprenticeship Home Study Course and Live Mastermind Conference Program"
ISS Conference
October 18-21, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Mark Hendricks has created a Membership/Seminar combo program which comes in various levels of membership and offers different services (including the Seminar). Let's see if I can put this in simple terms for you! It's all a bit involved...
Internet Success System
This takes you to web site which describes the various levels of membership and how to participate in their Seminar.
It covers the Internet Success System itself, which is the foundation for the rest of the program. The various levels include the Basic Membership, a Silver Membership level, a Gold Membership level and the Gold Retreat.
And, of course, there is information about the Seminar itself on this site.
There is a lot of information here and it takes a little sorting out. You might enjoy going to the graph, which is most of the way down the page, to help you understand the various benefits of the diferent levels of membership.
It starts right after the bold, highlighted in yellow, text marked:
Basic - Silver - Gold
The Seminar is available to the Basic member for an extra fee. Silver and Gold members enjoy the Seminar as part of their membership.
Everything is all content and instruction - free from 'pitch-fests' they claim.
2-Day Free Conference in Atlanta
OK, it looks like Mark offered 4 x 2-day 'open mic' type events recently and he recorded them all. They are all available here for a really terrific deal. He basically fields questions from the audience and answers them. Must be pretty interesting.
So, if you know what you want to do, check out the links and see what you think.
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Ever wonder why you didn't hear about an event until too late? We gather all the info for you so you don't miss out.
Watch for over 100 LIVE! Internet Marketing Seminars in 2009. Visit Daily for a new Seminar on the horizon with Interviews, Quotes and Other Things Thrown In for Spice! Come On Down...
Saturday, September 29, 2007
ISS Mastermind Conference
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
12:35 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Friday, September 28, 2007
The Week Ahead: September 30th thru October 6th
It's been a rough week as I lost the use of my computer for DAYS! Yes it is like another part of my body at this point. I did get some cleaning and organizing done tho!! Thank you for visiting when the blog wasn't doing a lot there for awhile...
Wow, this year is really zooming by. Here we are at another Friday already.
Finishing up...
Internet Wealth-Building Bootcamp
September 29-30, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Starting up...
Big Seminar
October 5-7, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Brit Pack UK
October 5-7, 2007
Coventry, UK
Gladiator Gathering
October 6-7, 2007
Chicago, IL
Wow, that is almost our slowest week ever!
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
12:50 PM
Labels: The Week Ahead
Monday, September 24, 2007
Affiliate Incubator
Some of these folks show up over and over again in different places doing different things. Russel Brunson is one of these people. Here he is, doing a Seminar now!
Affiliate Incubator
October 18-20, 2007
Anaheim, CA
Hey, that's in my backyard almost! And it's pretty reasonable too! You can make it up with just a couple sales thru an affiliate program.
If I Go, I'll Let You Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
4:10 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
eMetrics Summit
Next on our list...
eMetrics Summit
October 14-17, 2007
Washington D.C.
They tell us:
eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit
Where wisdom is shared about
*Website Optimization
*Search Analytics
*Campaign Optimization
*Web 2.0 Optimization
*Public Sector Metrics
*Behavioral Targeting
*Competitive Analysis
*Customer Experience
*Statistical Analysis
*Business Implementation
*Multi-Channel Marketing Metrics
And a lot more
Marketing managers, web analysts and business intelligence experts have been meeting at the eMetrics Summit since 2002 to learn how to increase the return on online investments. It's your turn to join the discussion.
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
2:27 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Saturday, September 22, 2007
2 Days LIVE Internet Marketing Boot Camp
It is very interesting to see where in the world these Internet Marketing Seminars show up. I get the feeling that Singapore is going to be a hotbed of competition very, very soon.
2 Days LIVE Internet Marketing Boot Camp
October 13-14, 2007
On their site, they ask...
Dear Future Internet Entrepreneur,
Can you relate to any of these 3 questions?
1) Have you always wanted to start a home-based business but don’t know how to go about it?
2) Do you ever wonder how is it that other marketers seem to be able to experience success, but you, on the other hand, are struggling just to get started?
3) Or maybe you are tired of marketing product after product and never getting any results?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I have good news for you, because TODAY, you’re going to be given an opportunity to experience the success you’ve tried for so long to achieve and put you on the road to prosperity!
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
2:25 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Week Ahead: September 23 thru 29
Another semi-busy week in the Internet Marketing Seminar world!
Finishing up...
The Marketing Seminar
September 21-23, 2007
Sandusky, OH
Frank Garron & Willie Crawford
September 22-23, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Your Roadmap to Riches
September 22-23, 2007
Austin, TX
Wealth Building Bootcamp
September 22-23, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Starting up...
PPC Summit
September 24-25, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Affiliate Summit
September 28, 2007
London, England
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
4:08 PM
Labels: The Week Ahead
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Virtual! Free! Come on down!!!
I realize that this doesn't strictly follow my LIVE! Internet Marketing Seminar criterion. It's so darn interesting though AND it IS a 'LIVE!' event in that it isn't ongoing (there are some of those out there too) because it lasts just a few days and you must participate during that time-frame - you just get to do it from home! So... I'm adding it to my site because EVERYONE may participate!
I'm tellin' you, this is what it's all about!
*100% Online and VirtualThere are two ways to go here. FIRST...
*Free to Attend
*All the Benefits of a Top Tradeshow
*Includes 1st ever Virtual Job Fair
*More than 8,000+ Attendees,
*200 Exhibitors and 40 Presenters
*100+ Archived Presentations at eComXpo University
October 9-11, 2007
access thru your computer, from anywhere in the world!
Enroll In
eComXpo University!
Enrolling in the eComXpo University gives you up to three month's access to 100+ on-demand presentations from industry experts.
Enjoy and learn from industry heavyweights like: Seth Godin, Shawn Collins, Declan Dunn, Paul Colligan and Chris Pirillo!
Just $49.95!
More useful information...
"The 5th eComXpo will be held from October 9-11th, 2007. We are updating the show to include many new features including the introduction of an ecommerce Job Fair! Exhibitors will be able to post job offerings, accept applications and conduct interviews right from their booth! Attendees will be able to upload resumes, apply to jobs and attend interviews all without having to leave their home or office."
Let's ALL Go! and Let Me Know how it was for you!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
2:19 PM
Labels: Chris Pirillo, Declan Dunn, Paul Colligan, Seth Godin, Shawn Collins, Trade Show
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Altitude: Eben Pagan
Well, this is quite the Seminar. From their site...
Program DetailsThis program consists of:
*A 5-day live training in Los Angeles, CA October 8th-12th of 2007
*10 weeks of teleclass trainings after the call (2-3 hours per week)
*One “Tune-Up Day” follow-up live training in January of 2008, where we’ll get back together following your 11-weeks of “immersion” into our materials, to work on the sticking points in your business
*12 monthly teleconferences, where you get to listen to me interviewing people who have grown $10 Million+ companies (and those who have helped others do it many times)
*An online member forum where you’ll be able to connect with and talk to other success-minded entrepreneurs, get help with challenges you’re facing, and generally have a place to go to get help from people who understand what you’re going through
*An accountability and “Mastermind” program where you’ll be set up with partners and mastermind groups that are facilitated by you and other members, to give you massive support and help as you grow your business
I’ve also talked Brad Fallon and Andy Jenkins, the creators of the StomperNet program, into throwing in three free months of their advanced internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization training (which they charge $800 a month for), and they said yes (because they want you to join their program, of course). If you know about the StomperNet training, then you know it’s closed for registration at the moment. This is the only offer of its kind those guys have made available to “outsiders.”
The “StomperNet” program evolved from Brad and Andy’s previous business, where they sold a program called “Stomping The Search Engines” – which featured advanced Search Engine Optimization techniques. They then created a network of their “Stompers” (thus the name “StomperNet”), expanded to teach other elements of internet marketing, and then set the record for internet product launches when they launched their program last year.
As part of this exclusive arrangement, you’ll have a 3-month StomperNet membership set up for you, with full access to all of their content and training. Their platform and program feature:
*300 hours of online training in the areas of Search Engine Optimization, blogs, internet video, analytics, website usability and design, pay-per-click marketing, e-commerce shopping cart setup, and much, much more
*10 Full-time Search Engine Optimization experts, plus 20 other faculty members, who create and upload over 10 hours of new internet marketing content to their membership site each week
*Access to their online portal, which includes internet marketing forums, blogs, and other advanced user-created content
*Live events every 90 days, where business owners can learn cutting-edge internet marketing techniques live and in-person
*Bi-weekly faculty online coaching calls and even member site reviews and coaching If you want to learn advanced internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization, then this will take you to the next level.
October 8-12, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
2:17 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Monday, September 17, 2007
Our Offer
Our offer is very simple and direct: to give you a customized, step-by-step plan to grow your business.
We promise to cut through the noise in your marketplace to bring clean, actionable thinking. You will leave the two-day session with an understandable, workable and written plan to increase your business and bring more revenue to your enterprise.
We will teach you how to institute the following:
Effective Lead Generation
Effective Automatic Marketing Strategies and Tactics
Effective Selling Systems
Effective Business Systems, Organizations and Structures
The four points above have been discussed by others, but how many actually do these things and succeed? Not many. There are few who are doing it everyday in their own businesses both online and offline.
We will take your site and analyze the:
Lead generation systems
Traffic sources
We will tell you what to track and test within your business, so you can see and know exactly what to do. We will also list areas that you should ignore or avoid that can steal your valuable time. We will give you the final report in both written format and comprehensive Camtasia video. You won't have to remember what was said or re-examine your notes. All of the information will be there for you to review as many times as you need, whenever you need it.
You will walk away from this workshop with a map of your market and an understanding of your customers that will give you clear directions on how to "make It rain."
The cost of the conference is just $6,000.00, which includes both the conference and the service of evaluating your site. Our normal fee is $10,000.00 each to perform these same services.
Come and experience what a web marketing conference should be.
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
8:11 AM
Labels: Classified Ad
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Marketing Seminar
Well, I initially learned about this on September 2nd yet there was very little information about it then. Tonight, I opened an email with the subject:
"Pam - Meet Us Live In Sandusky..."
And I'd've missed it at that if Sandusky wasn't one of my FAVORITE places in the whole world. You see, Cedar Point is there and as a child growing up in Northern Ohio, we went a lot. Cedar Point is a great Amusement Park.
SO, I pieced together the two messages and finally go the 'scoop' on this Seminar. It's happening a lot sooner than I thought so here ya go...
The Marketing Seminar
September 21-23, 2007
Sandusky, OH
I'll keep my eye out for the next one of these so it doesn't sneak up on me like that!
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
9:31 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Friday, September 14, 2007
The Week Ahead: September 16 thru 22
It's been a busy couple of days on blogcatalog (see the widget below!) I'll recap the next week real quick for you now though!
Finishing up...
Mark Vurnum & Peter Woodhead's Lead Generation Workshop
September 14-16, 2007
York, England
Wealth Building Bootcamp
September 15-16, 2007
Denver, CO
Wealth Building Bootcamp
September 15-16, 2007
Washington, DC
World Internet Main Event
September 13-16, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Mastermind X
September 14-16, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
StomperNet LIVE!
September 15-16, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Starting up...
Big Seminar X
Armand Morin call
September 18, 2007 [last one in the series!]
Time: 9:00pm Eastern time
(8:00pm Central, 7:00pm Mountain, 6:00pm Pacific,1:00am (Friday) GMT)
Call Number: 512-225-3217
PinCode: 73215#
Robert Allen [just learned about this one! includes RE]
September 21-23, 2007
San Diego, CA
Frank Garon & Willie Crawford
September 22-23, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Your Roadmap to Riches
September 22-23, 2007
Austin, TX
Gotta run and comment on some blogs!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
12:33 PM
Labels: The Week Ahead
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Something by Perry Marshall...
Well, I just found out about this one last Friday and I can't tell if the Seminar part has title yet, other than "my Chicago Workshop in October." I'll figure it out and let you know...
On their site it is a little bit hard to tell the difference between the testimonials and the information about the membership/special offer/Seminar which they are talking about, from what I can tell.
I've noticed this strategy of having a membership with a Seminar - Perry Marshall has taken it to a new level with the special 12-week kick-off training with the membership and the Seminar all rolled together. The Membership/Seminar is a pretty good model I think.
Gladiator Gathering
October 6-7, 2007
Chicago, IL
OK, I just did some digging for you and on 'first blush' this looks totally confusing and like maybe it's all a testimonial-fest. I found some information about what is really going on and I'll see if I can put it into a nutshell for you...
Perry is an AdWords guy. I've actually known this for a long time as I've gotten emails from him since my early days of studying this whole online thing.
Perry ran one Seminar in April 2006. He hates the usual pitch-fest style of Seminar, wondering how to cater to the speakers and the audience who paid to be there. Another issue is all the attendees are coming from different places and with a different knowledge base. He really wants to open up to his participants and offer ways for them to continue what they are learning beyond the scope of the Seminar.
Perry wants everyone involved to build a community!
So he cooked up his Gladiator Club...Gladiator Club is my solution to all of these problems.
Gladiator Club is for current and past students of personal AdWords
coaching, people who understand the Perry Marshall system for online success. It’s for people who are mastering or have already mastered the basics so that the real discovery and magic can begin. Gladiator Club meets for two days, three times per year in Chicago and the best and brightest minds in my sphere of influence sharpen each other. It’s not a seminar, it’s a high-level forum where we embrace the state-of-the-art not only in technology but in its application to the most challenging of problems and opportunities.
OK, it's not actually a 'Seminar,' rather a workshop for the members to meet-n-greet, make deals together and continue their learning.
Then there's something he calls the "Bobsled Run" - what the heck is that all about? I found a reference finally...
Gladiator Club membership is $774 per month and it’s free during the Bobsled Run. The first Gladiator Gathering is October 6-7 so you’ll meet your fellow students in person and we’ll greatly accelerate the pace of your discovery and progress. Then we will meet again JANUARY and JUNE. It kicks in automatically after the Bobsled Run is over and you can cancel at any time – but I’m betting you won’t want to.Which also tells us that it runs in January and June as well. OK. What else? How do I find out what this is all about? I'm pieceing it all together eventually here...
I'm still digging and I'm getting a little frustrated. I think Armand Morin gets it right when he talks about 'obvious marketing' - DON'T HIDE THIS STUFF! Make it OBVIOUS what you are sharing.
Sometimes I think my blog is a little too obvious. When you get here, you know what it's about by reading the title. You know how it got started from the first paragraph (heck, you even know how long it's been online too from that paragraph!).
Some of the things I don't think I make very obvious are my links - you know, the ones I'd like you to click on? Does it help? Or should I make them more obvious??? :)
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
10:06 PM
Labels: Armand Morin, Article, Internet Marketing Seminar, Perry Marshall
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Brit Pack UK Internet Marketing Seminar
Robert Puddy says...
"You can spend years waking up at
dawn, surfing the Web with crusty eyes
-- figuring out what works and what
doesn't. But doesn't it make a lot
more sense to skip the learning curve?"
Brit Pack UK Internet Marketing Seminar
October 5-7, 2007
Coventry, UK
150 spots only!
They go on...
We can teach you the formula over a weekend, and we will do that in Coventry, but what we really want to do is get you connected...
We want to get you set on a path to success, and we want to give you the opportunity to stay connected to the pulse of the industry, plugged into the circle of movers and shakers that make the difference.
*You'll get the opportunity to network with people like: Robert Puddy - Craig Perrine - Scott Paton - Rick Butts - Simon Hodgkinson - Jeremy Gislason and many more . . .
*Get It From The Horses Mouth: The guest speakers will be mingling in the crowd, networking with others (possibly you), and doing a little hanging out just like everybody else.
*As a BritPackUK attendee you'll have the opportunity to grab one on one time with each and every speaker. (Imagine talking to them about your business and getting the real low down on how to make your profits explode...straight from their mouth.)
*You'll get awesome JV And Partner Opportunities: There will be deals happening as soon as people get into the lobby. These events are a breeding ground for gigantic product launches, massive marketing campaigns, and profits galore. You'll be there in the midst of the heart of the action.
Are YOU going to 'skip the learning curve'?
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
10:35 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Monday, September 10, 2007
Big Seminar X
It's official! Today is the day I announce Big Seminar X!!
I have gathered together information about 100+ LIVE! Internet Marketing Seminars from around the globe spanning the next 12 months.
I list them in order a few weeks before the actual event. It doesn't always work out that way - that is the plan though.
Here's the scoop for Big Seminar X...
Big Seminar X
Armand Morin
October 5-7, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Have you been getting on the calls? There has been some terrific information. Some of these folks I have never heard speak before. The calls are replayed a few times after the live event so you have several opportunities to 'tune in' and they are all available for the cost of the call (that is your time and the toll charges, if any - Armand doesn't ask for anything).
As for the Seminar...
If You Go, Let Me Know,
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
2:08 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Affiliate Summit: London, England
Several times a year, these folks bring a major Internet Marketing Seminar and this will be their first one overseas! They'll be back in the states next February 2008.
Affiliate Summit
Hey, they're having a Pre-Party on September 27, 2007 in Kensington. What could be better than that? You get to start networking a little early.
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
1:52 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Friday, September 7, 2007
The Week Ahead: September 9 thru 15, 2007
Coming back from our trip means getting back into the groove of things. I realized that I was adding the great 'pre-seminar' calls for you and then I forgot last time. Sorry about that. I'll put them in this week.*
We've tuned into the Armand Morin calls and there are some great folks coming to Big Seminar next month.
Authority Summit
September 8-9, 2007
Las Vegas, NV
Wealth Building Bootcamp
September 8-9, 2007
Orlando, FL
Big Seminar X
Armand Morin call
September 11, 2007
Time: 9:00pm Eastern time
(8:00pm Central, 7:00pm Mountain, 6:00pm Pacific,1:00am (Friday) GMT)
Call Number: 512-225-3217
PinCode: 73215#
Big Seminar X
Armand Morin call
September 13, 2007
Time: 9:00pm Eastern time
(8:00pm Central, 7:00pm Mountain, 6:00pm Pacific,1:00am (Friday) GMT)
Call Number: 512-225-3217
PinCode: 73215#
World Internet Main Event
September 13-16, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Mark Varnum & Peter Woodhead's Lead Generation Workshop
September 14-16, 2007
York England
Mastermind X
September 14-16, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
System Seminar 2007
September 15, 2007
New York, NY
StomperNet LIVE!
September 15-16, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Wealth Building Bootcamp
September, 15-16, 2007
Denver, CO
Wealth Building Bootcamp
September 15-16, 2007
Washington, DC
Wow, That's a switch from the last couple of weeks. It's a little more typical from what I can tell so far for worldwide Internet Marketing Seminars.
If You Go, Let Me Know!
Pam Hoffman
*there's one coming up - don't have a date yet. i'll add it when it's announced.
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
11:39 PM
Labels: The Week Ahead
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Your Roadmap to Riches
Your Roadmap to Riches
September 22-23, 2007
Austin, TX
Mind, Miracles, and Manifestation
Yes, this one's different. And Different can be GOOD! This looks pretty good to me (from their site)...
Give us one power-filled, magical weekend,
and we will assist you as you create your own
Personal Roadmap to absolutely everything
you will ever want in your lifetime:
- More Money
- A Fulfilling Career
- Loving Relationships
- Vibrant Health
- Beautiful Homes
- Great Cars
- Wonderful Friends
- Creative Expression
- Greater Spirituality
- Sense of Inner Peace
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
6:17 PM
Labels: Associated Seminar
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
PPC Summit
Next up...
Find out how the experts run campaigns on Google Adwords, Yahoo!
Search Marketing (Overture), Microsoft adCenter (MSN), and all the smaller Pay Per Click Engines!
PPC Summits are designed as How To workshops that teach you how to better manage your PPC campaigns. The focus is solidly on advertiser education: how to spend less money, more effectively, with better results.
PPC Summit
September 24-25, 2007
In these interactive, two day summits, you will be introduced to strategies and skills that are the foundation of successful pay per click marketing.
PPC Summits are designed to help you and the people at your firm become the savvy search engine advertisers you know you must be in order to maximize your pay per click opportunities, out perform your competitors, and build your business.
These Summits are designed for people who are active learners and want to
know EVERYTHING about pay per click marketing
Sounds really great, if you are into pay per click, and who isn't at some point or another? Might as well get the best training you can and this Seminar is tightly focused on this topic.
If You Go, Let Me Know
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
1:51 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
This is an interesting blend of a membership site and an Internet Marketing Seminar AND it sounds terrific. I just found this yesterday and I was going to write up a little more about it in the next few days. I just HAD to let you know, however, that the price is going UP soon!
Stay tuned for further information!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
1:42 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
"Seminar by Frank Garon and Willie Crawford September 22nd - 23, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia Details Still Being Worked!"
That's what it says. I don't know what it's called. I don't have anything else for you.
I called the office three times to find out more. The first time, no answer (ok, it WAS after business hours) and the second & third time, I had to leave a message...
Know anything about it? Drop me a line! I'd like to post what I can here.
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
1:50 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Monday, September 3, 2007
Wealth Building Bootcamp
Here's a two-fer..
Wealth Building Bootcamp
September 15 & 16, 2007
Denver, CO
Wealth Building Bootcamp
September 15 & 16, 2007
Washington, DC
It's getting interesting out there. I just found several new Internet Marketing Seminars I hadn't heard about before AT ALL!!
Stay Tuned!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
11:11 AM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Saturday, September 1, 2007
StomperNet LIVE!
Here's an interesting Internet Marketing Seminar. It is entirely based on your membership and while there is no extra charge, they have instituted a refundable deposit.
Smart. With so many people registering and not actually arriving, this took a seat from someone who really wanted to be there!
They've also changed the format. While the speakers will still be 'powerful,' there are fewer of them presenting material. They will have, instead, a faculty-based analysis of actual member websites.
Their buzz-word this time around is 'practical fundamentals,' as in actually SEEING the thing in action as opposed to simply reading about it.
SIMPLE members (which i am currently) even get chances to go by winning a seat.
You can still go, if you become a member of their site. Here is the information to help you make a decision...
StomperNet LIVE!
September 15-16, 2007
Atlanta, GA
If You Go, Let Me Know,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
1:43 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar