Holy Cow! He's doing another one already!
3 Days With Armand Morin Live
Freedom Factor In Las Vegas, Nevada
May 31st, June 1st and 2nd 2007
If you go, Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
p.s. did you see the price! has he gone nuts???
Ever wonder why you didn't hear about an event until too late? We gather all the info for you so you don't miss out.
Watch for over 100 LIVE! Internet Marketing Seminars in 2009. Visit Daily for a new Seminar on the horizon with Interviews, Quotes and Other Things Thrown In for Spice! Come On Down...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Live From Las Vegas... It's Armand Morin!
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
11:25 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition 2007
I find these in the weirdest ways - this was actually on one of the adsense ads below. Of course I couldn't click right on it (even if i wanted to sign up for it from my own site!) so I took the URL they had and it worked!
June 4-7, 2007
McEnery Convention Center
San Jose, California
From their site:
Internet Retailer 2007 Conference & Exhibition has expanded its
workshop offerings from one to three based on the overwhelmingly favorable
response to our first workshop last year (fully half of all 2,400 paid
conference attendees at IRCE 2006 attended its workshop on online marketing) and
requests to expand the workshop curriculum to cover other e-retailing topics.
Unlike the main conference agenda, the workshop programs allow attendees to
devote an entire day to examining in depth a single area of operation that is
vital to the success of an online retailing enterprise. By focusing on a single
discipline for a full day, attendees learn the basic and advanced skills needed
to achieve excellence in their e-retailing enterprises. Success in a competitive
e-retailing market requires dedication, and the most dedicated of e-retailers
attend these daylong workshops.
Keynote speakers are...
Jim McCann
Founder & CEO
Reed Hastings
Founder & CEO
Netflix, Inc
Sounds pretty interesting. Will you be going? Wanna write up your experience? Go ahead and tell us all about it!
If you go, Let us know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
3:52 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Monday, May 28, 2007
Wealth Building Bootcamp
The latest and greatest from Derek Gehl!
Miami, FL -- June 9 & 10
Phoenix, AZ -- June 16 & 17
Raleigh, NC -- June 16 & 17
Seattle, WA -- June 23 & 24
Looks like the Nashville, TN date fell off. All I know is what's on the list. I'll post news as I get ahold of it!
Go ahead and leave any comments you might have about this Bootcamp. I'd sure like to know more - when they come back to Southern California, I'm planning on going!
Pam Hoffman
p.s. Derek offers home study too: http://www.marketingtips.com/pro-bootcamp/t/914406
p.p.s. i'm working on the calendar and when i figure out the best way to offer it up for you, i will post it here. i'm kind of hoping that google will help us out with that part too! :)
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
11:04 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Sunday, May 27, 2007
World Internet Summit: Singapore going on right now!
This sounds just awesome...
World Internet Mega Summit
26th-29th May, 2007
I realize you can' t make it now (unless you live in the neighborhood - MAYBE) but it looks like you CAN view some of it on your computer OR get DVDs after the event.
Click here for more information
This blog is more than just my ramblings. If you go, Let us know AND add your commentary on the event because there are people out there who want to know if it is worth looking for the seminar next time.
OH, when you leave your message, be sure to leave us 'breadcrumbs' - a URL or an email, in case we want to learn more about you &/or what you are up to.
I appreciate your visit,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
8:56 AM
Labels: Trade Show
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Quote: George Bernard Shaw
"I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation."
George Bernard Shaw
OMG, I just started doing that this year. What's it mean?
: )
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
8:59 PM
Labels: quote
SPECIAL ITEM TODAY: "I'm Starving To Death, but how's your weekend?"
I received this special and important email today from John Reese, so I'm doing my part by reposting it here:
I'll make this short and sweet as I'm sure
you are busy enjoying your
holiday weekend...
Do you know how miserable it must be to have
of actual HUNGER that will never go
Well, unfortunately, millions of children are
feeling that pain
right this very second.
But YOU can help change that.
My close friend,
Stephen Pierce, has just launched
an amazing fundraiser…
His goal is to feed over 1,000,000 million children
within 72 HOURS.
And I want to help him do it.
While many of us are enjoying our Memorial
Weekends by relaxing and spending time with
friends & family, let
us not forget that there are
many people all over the world that are
at this very moment. And many of them are
Please join Income.com, and Stephen’s other
great partners, in
helping to feed over 1,000,000
children that need our help.
Here’s How You Can Help:
1. Visit the web site at www.foragreatercause.org
2. Download the free "Success Report" that will by
itself donate a
plate of food on your behalf — even
if you don’t give one penny of your own
3. (Optional) Donate any amount that you’d like.
Every single dollar
will help.
* You get TONS of free business & success
audios, videos, and
special reports when you
4. Spread the word! Email your ezine lists, post
about this on your
blog, and feed children that
need our help!
A HUGE "Thank You" in advance for any help
you can offer this
amazing cause.
Yours For Online Profits,
John Reese
Thank you for reading this additional message. It's a blessing to have so much that we can give back to our world.
Be generous in your giving, in whatever way you can.
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
6:02 PM
Labels: Charity
Friday, May 25, 2007
Affiliate Summit - Miami in July, London in September!
It's wild the ways these Internet Marketing Seminars come my way. I was reviewing an INTERVIEW this morning and they mentioned their blog and on the blog was an ad for THIS conference...
[& of course i had to check it out for you! ;) ]
Affiliate Summit 2007 East - July 8-10, 2007 - Intercontinental Miami
Affiliate Summit 2007 East
Intercontinental Miami
Miami, FL 33131
United States
Sunday, July 08, 2007 - Tuesday, July 10, 2007
If you go, Let us know!
Pam Hoffman
p.s. found something more (i keep digging!!! ;)
"The Affiliate Summit is an affiliate marketing conference that takes place twice yearly. Affiliate Summit is the biggest conference in the industry and it provides a unique opportunity for affiliate marketing professionals to gather and learn from one another in a cooperative environment. "
p.p.s. there was an AS in Las Vegas in Jan'07 - one west coast, one east coast and one in London this year - i'll be watching 2008!
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
12:37 PM
Labels: Trade Show
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Next at Search Engine Watch
SEW's (Search Engine Watch) conference on search engine marketing comes to:
SES China: May 25-26, 2007
SES Milan: May 29-30, 2007
SES Toronto: June 12-13, 2007
These folks are SERIOUS 'Globe Trotters'!
If you go, Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
11:35 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Reminder: jvAlert Live! June 8-10, 2007 in Philadelphia, PA
I mentioned it awhile ago and it's coming up soon. Here is a reminder and the link to the original message:
I hear that it is almost SOLD OUT!?!
If you go, Let us know!
Pam Hoffman
p.s. found a possible calendar solution: Stay Tuned! i'm testing it out now...
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
5:07 PM
Labels: Associated Seminar
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
We've arm-twisted top marketing pros into revealing their best profit-building secrets to our subscribers absolutely free. What's more, we've forced them to shoe-horn more valuable knowledge into a few lines of text than most people provide in a complete chapter.
Get free daily marketing tips now...
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
2:22 PM
Labels: Classified Ad
StomperNet Live!!!
Well, I just found out how StomperNet Live works. If you are a FULL member, you get in for free. All you have to do is register at their site.
I recently joined their $1 / 30 day trial - it's been awesome! - and they sent an email message saying that if I join as a full member, I get total access to the StomperNet membership site AND I can sign up for their 3-day seminar free. The one coming June 1-3 in Atlanta, Georgia!
Well, I guess I can't really talk about it too much on my blog now but...
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
2:14 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
The Seven-Figure Seminar: How You Can Make Millions of Dollars in The Business Opportunities Market!
Email Strikes Again!
In my email inbox this morning, got a message about THIS Internet Marketing Seminar!
Jeff Gardner is producing
The Seven-Figure Seminar: How You Can Make Millions of Dollars in The Business Opportunities Market!
in the Dallas / Fort Worth area on August 24th, 25th, & 26th, 2007
Gardner Marketing Group Inc.
It looks like the 'tickets' will only be available beginning June 6th, 2007 at another, introductory seminar Jeff is holding.
I'm gonna have to do a little digging for you on this one!
Stay Tuned.
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
9:48 AM
Labels: Associated Seminar
Monday, May 21, 2007
Bournemouth? Where's Bournemouth?
I just read this in an email this morning...
"I just got back from an incredible seminar in the UK in a beautiful little town called Bournemouth. It was a terrific seminar with more than 3000 attendees, all PUMPED on the idea of achieving online success." --Derek Gehl
What was this about? Did I miss another one?
I've never even heard of Bournemouth and I used to live in England!
About that, did you know that livestock has more square footage than people do in England? It's no wonder that Bournemouth is a 'beautiful little town' as just about everywhere in England is!
If you went, drop in your two cents,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
12:07 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Friday, May 18, 2007
Marketing Masters?
I got something in the mail today. It was the third mailing from the same organization. Who sends mail anymore? From what I've learned, it can be a GREAT marketing tool! I'll tell you more about that some time.
Each of these mailers 'stood out' from the rest of the mail in some way. The first one was in a shiny purple mylar-type envelope. OK, I'm a girl and the purple got my attention!
Then came a cardboard-y type envelope as though it came thru DHL or someone (the colors where somewhat DHL-y).
And TODAY, the envelop is a little more normal though a bigger than average size - the pages inside fit with one fold - top down to bottom.
And the front is all red print on the white envelope and it has a border like something southwestern; the 'bust' pictures of the three main guys running this thing and huge letters: "JOIN THE MARKETING MASTERS IN ORLANDO, FLORIDA"...
Did you get them too? Fascinating. Today, I actually sat down and looked thru the material in this mailing. I guess I thought it was something else initially. Remember, it takes several iterations to make people notice!
They really laid it on with a 'sob story' on pink 'stationary' in a pink envelope right after I pulled out this bundle. And I read it all! You see, I too broke my neck - when I was 16. I'm blessed to be darn close to normal today. I had a child, raised her on my own and now she serves the Navy's best on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower!!! I'm very proud. And I'm very, very lucky.
So they have a bunch of stuff in this envelope along with this extra little 'letter' enticing me to go to their seminar.
You can too...
12 Information Marketing "SUPERSTARS"
Armand Morin
Alex Mandossian
Perry Marshall
Marshall Sylver
Adam Sternberg
Adam Ginsberg
Matt Bacak
Drew Miles
Debra Thompson
Katerina Chase
John Childers
FUN - EASY - LUCRATIVE << it says so right on the last page!
Sign Up Today & Learn
How To Make $1000 A Day, At Home!
Friday - Saturday - Sunday, June 22, 23, 24, 2007
Orlando, Florida
OK, so I made a big deal out of it too now... :)
If you go, Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
7:41 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Thursday, May 17, 2007
SEW: Search Engine Watch for May & June, 2007
Search Engine Watch Conferences coming up...
SES China: May 25-26, 2007
SES Milan: May 29-30, 2007
SES Toronto: June 12-13, 2007
Ready to travel? Make it a business trip! :)
If you go, Let us know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
5:15 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Would a Calendar Format Help?
Would a Calendar help?
I can post these messages and add the dates to the blog and it will probably seem a bit random (the primary consistency being when i found them).
Would a 'calendar' help find the Seminar near you and when you can go? How is that done? I looked thru the material in blogger and there isn't an add-on that will do it.
One thing I can think of is to start one in a different venue (i like the way the Yahoo! Groups calendar works myself) then provide a link in the navigation area of this blog, to that calendar.
I would have to make it available somehow. I'm not sure Yahoo! Groups works that way. Does anyone know how to put a calendar with all these dates into a blog like this?
I'd be grateful if you would let me know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
8:54 PM
Derek Gehl - Mr. Consistent!
Every week, Derek & the IMC team set up more of their two-day "Wealth Building Bootcamp"s and they go EVERYWHERE! I can't WAIT until they come back to Southern California!
Edmonton, AB -- May 26 & 27
Miami, FL -- June 9 & 10
Phoenix, AZ -- June 16 & 17
Raleigh, NC -- June 16 & 17
Nashville, TN -- June 23 & 24
Seattle, WA -- June 23 & 24
Will they be anywhere near you anytime soon? Go ahead and 'comment' on your experience here!
If you go, Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
5:39 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Live from Las Vegas, It's... Armand Morin!
Holy Cow! He's doing another one already!
3 Days With Armand Morin Live
Freedom Factor In Las Vegas, Nevada
May 31st, June 1st and 2nd 2007
If you go, Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
4:56 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Monday, May 14, 2007
OMM - was that on PURPOSE?
A new publication is on the horizon.
It has a zen feel already... OMM
a.k.a. Online Marketing Monthly.
Why am I talking about a magazine here? I understand that they will be listing Internet Marketing Seminars!
Wanna check it out before you gotta buy it? "Sure I Do!" you say, so click here.
Anything Else I can do for you? ;)
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
11:44 PM
Labels: Magazine Info
Ah, now here's a little know Internet Marketing Seminar. I found it for you!
Pat O’Bryan’s Unseminar3
Unfortunately, it is past. It looks like it may have been about mid Feburary so I'll start looking around and post anything I learn here for you.
Do you know anything about it? Leave a comment, I'll feature it in the future. Make sure to put any info you want to let readers know about YOUR services/offers!
If you went, we need your '2 cents'!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
4:20 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Global Internet Bootcamp
I just learned about this Internet Marketing Seminar coming up and I HAD to share it with you!
Global Internet Bootcamp
May 25th thru May 27th
That's all I have at the moment so I'll do a little digging to see if I can learn more!
If you go, Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
Science Fiction Cons << new blog, another listing service - for science fiction conventions!
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
12:46 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Learn how FREE technology allows you to "jump the line"
and claim a #1 ranking on Google, Yahoo, MSN, and more!
This report contains pertinent case studies and test results you can use to grab
a top-10 position in *any* search engine -- even if you don't know a thing about
web design or HTML!
A team of marketing experts spent over a year -- and $79,583.28 -- compiling
this study, and now you can review it FREE!
To read this special profit-making report, visit: SPECIAL REPORT
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
12:01 AM
Labels: Classified Ad
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Derek Does it Again: Wealth Building Bootcamp
This guy is CONSISTENT!
Derek Gehl (who took over for Corey Rudl) offers his two-day "Wealth Building Bootcamp" periodically, all over the continent it seems, and one is coming up soon...
Edmonton, AB - May 26 & 27
Miami, FL - June 9 & 10
Wanna learn more? Try this: Wealth Building Bootcamp
If you go, Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
11:41 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Leveraging Your Time For Money
I got an interesting email this morning...
HI Pam Hoffman,
The seminar will be held tomorrow
May 12, 2007 - 12 noon eastern
Topic - Leveraging Your Time For Money
Speaker - Mike Paetzold
Sounds interesting - I'm not sure if this was for a day, an hour or otherwise. Obviously, more digging is required. You know I'm your woman! :)
If you go, Let us know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
12:36 PM
Labels: Associated Seminar
Thursday, May 10, 2007
"Lost Another One To..." :)
Dang! I missed the date on THIS one too! I'll be looking for it next year then I guess, or do they have them more often?
SEW Live (a.k.a. Search Engine Watch)
WAS in Columbus, Ohio YESTERDAY! May 9th.
Did you go? What was it like?? They only run 1/2 a day.
"This informal, half-day event offers attendees the opportunity to meet editorial staff, Search Engine Strategies speakers, and members of the SEW community in person, network with local peers, and discuss the hottest topics and latest news in the search industry."
It sounds interesting though. [and i have relatives in Columbus!!! ;]
If you go, Let us know,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
5:05 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Digital Book 2007
Digital Book 2007 was today! I just found out. We'll look for it next year too!
This sounds very interesting...
"With the explosion of digital book services and devices, more and more books are being consumed digitally making it essential for technology companies and publishers to have a clear strategy for the digital future. This educational conference will bring together the leading technologists and business leaders of the publishing, technology and library markets. See demonstrations of the latest reading devices and software, digital textbooks and curricula, publisher's digital repositories, and web book and library search. IDPF representatives will also report on industry trends as well as industry standards which will directly affect your business."
International Digital Publishing ForumWednesday, May 9th, 2007The McGraw-Hill Auditorium at 1221 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor - New York City
Did you get to this one?
Do you know when the next one will be?
If you went, give us your 2 cents,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
9:50 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
"...not as brightly lit..."
It's easy to find out about eBay Live!
Did you know that right before that, in the same city, at the same venue they are holding the eBay Developers Conference?
eBay Developers Conference
June 11-13, 2007
In Boston
BTW, I did a little digging and...
"eBay Developers Conference 2007 will be held at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC), 415 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210, which is conveniently located near Logan Airport, Amtrak®, inter-city bus service, and major highways for easy access. For those of you who will be flying into Logan Airport, take the Silver Line Bus (SL1) to the World Trade Center stop, then take the elevator up to Level 2, turn left onto World Trade Center Ave., and the BCEC will be directly in front of you."
That is also true for eBay Live!
If You Go, Let Us Know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
4:49 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
jvAlert Live!
I just received an email message about this. The sender thinks it's one of the 'very best' events they've ever been to! Wow. I had to let you know!
Here are the particulars...
jvAlert Live!
June 8th, 9th and 10th, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Are you going? Will you be speaking there?
Care to let us know about it?
Thanks a million,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
3:11 PM
Labels: Associated Seminar
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Do You PRODUCE Seminars?
Are you producing an Internet Marketing Seminar?
I'll periodically put up this message for you to come and post your information here. Let us know what you are doing!
I'm very familiar with producing conferences with 10 years of the Midwest Space Development Conference, an International Space Development Conference in 1995 and multiple science fiction cons on the west coast as a participant and helping with the organization of.
A resource like this would have been VERY welcome so Come On Down!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
6:58 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Friday, May 4, 2007
Do You Seminar?
Are you speaking at a seminar anytime in the next year?
Come and tell us about it! Can you persuade us to sign up just to see you? Are you able to offer anything to people for signing up based on your recommendation?
Let us know!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
8:51 AM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Stomper Net too?
Just read an email by John Reese in which he mentions Stompernet (sounds great) and also that they put on 4 seminars a year...
"- Access to (4) live seminar events and
the DVDs of the entire events (even if
you decide not to attend.)"
Are these for their members only? Know anything about them?
Let me know,
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
10:51 AM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar, Stompernet
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
ebay University
Yet another ebay event...
ebay University in Anaheim, CA May 5th
This is actually near me - conflict in schedule that day!
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
5:24 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar
Ebay Live!
This seemed so obvious, I almost didnt' include it!
ebay Live! June 14th - 16th in Boston, MA
Will you be going? I hear it's really great. I'm on the west coast so we will just have to see...
Pam Hoffman
Posted by
Pam Hoffman
5:20 PM
Labels: Internet Marketing Seminar